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Posts tagged with Japan

  1. Kengo Kuma Inspired

    2018-06-05 17:42:01 UTC

    One of the most memorable of our experiences in Japan took place one night, suspended over the streets of Tokyo, the wind gently brushing through the bamboo trees of the temple next door. It was close to midnight, with all of our cameras set up and questions ready, when a…

  2. Klein Dytham Architects

    2017-09-18 20:56:40 UTC

    Recently, I had the honour to meet with Mark Dytham from Klein Dytham Architects and the co-founder of PechaKucha, to hear about their challenging moments, triumphs and precious experiences This legendary pair are not only inspiring architects, but have extended their reach outside of their profession, creating an accessible platform…

  3. City and Senses Through Photos

    2017-09-14 15:29:01 UTC

    My PechaKucha adventure in Osaka was amazing. I was honoured to meet all those talented minds and beautiful people who came out that night. Thank you my Osaka friends for your positive energy and support. I hope one day soon we cross paths again. 

  4. Reunion with Yoko Takaike San

    2017-08-23 12:53:12 UTC

    What a fruitful reunion with Yoko San after our venture a few years ago in Kamaishi. I had the great opportunity at that time to participate in her community house project in the North East of Japan, aiming to improve the mental health of the area’s residents. Here we are…

  5. Re-Unify Through Architecture

    2017-07-29 04:55:00 UTC

    Erin and I experienced some amazing moments presenting at PechaKucha Tokyo Volume 149. Please click on the following link to watch and hear what we presented: Re_Unify Through Architecture 

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